Finding it strange being at work on a Monday?! It's certainly not what many of us have been used to these past few weeks. So when the post-holiday blues hit, what's the one antidote guaranteed to perk up your spirits? Book another holiday! :-)
But when you jet set off into the glorious sunshine of warmer climes, are you ensuring your home is best protected against crime while you're away. The Hazelmere Group has compiled a fantastic list of top tips to take heed of, to significantly reduce the possibility of your home being broken into. There is no 100% guarantee nowadays, but following are a dozen practical suggestions of things you can do to make your home more secure whilst you are away.
1) Don’t put your home address on any of your luggage labels - all it takes is one phone call from a 'source' at airport check-in advising burglars 'standing by' of properties currently empty
2) If you have any particularly valuable items, it would be wise to keep a list of them, plus put them in a safe place
3) Make sure your garage and/or shed are securely locked, so that your ladder and tools are safely tucked away out of sight
4) Ensure that both your buildings insurance and contents insurance are up to date
5) It is always a good idea to cut your lawn just before you go away as well as cancel any daily deliveries like the milk and newspapers
6) Make sure your property looks lived in. Get a neighbour or friend to put the mail out of sight each day
7) Don’t put your name and address on your spare keys if you lend them to a neighbour or friend
8) Leaving your curtains closed in the daytime is a signal that the property is unoccupied
9) Set up automatic timer-switches at different times in different rooms, so that lights/TV come on and go off when they should
10) Avoid leaving valuables in plain sight, such as Laptops, DVDs, Ipod, Mobiles and TVs etc.
11) If you are leaving a vehicle at your premises hide your spare car keys etc.
12) Just before you set off on holiday check all your external doors and windows are all locked and the burglar alarm is activated
Hopefully by putting into practice the relevant precautions, you will have greater peace of mind and therefore be able to enjoy your holiday more, as well as look forward to coming home. It pays not to advertise that you are going away, so only tell those that really need to know your holiday dates, like your closest neighbours, so they can keep an eye out for you whilst you hopefully relax and chill out.
And don't forget the Travel Insurance for your trip itself - check out our prices at eTraveller to see how much money you could save.
Visit eInsurance Group for your insurance needs
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